Multipoem: Wracks/Wrecks/Naufragios

Einen Augenschlag zu spät
Realisierte ich,
Wie ich mich verloren hatte
Im Ozean deiner Blicke.

Zu spät, durchnässt,
Um mich abzuwenden
Vom Sturm des Glücks,
Das mich umspülte.

Die Gegenwart
Der feuchten Erkenntnis
Schlage ich ein
Mit langen Wimpern.

Wie ein Reissverschluss
Verbinden sich
Unsere Schicksale
Surrend zum gegenseitigen Geschenk.

Halt mich!
Halt mitten drauf!
Halt mich nicht auf!

Kalte Wasser schlagen
An süße Küsten.
Wir sind Salz und Zucker,
Sinnliche Schiffe segelnd.

Die letzte Ration fressend
Trocknen auf blutleeren Lippen
Samtene Momente.
Der Kuss, der uns versenkt.

Verkeilte Wracks,
Von dem die Taucher sagen werden,
Ein Vorbild für die Nachwelt.

One eye-blow too late
I realized
How I lost myself
In the ocean of your looks.

Too late, soaked,
To turn away
From the storm of happiness,
That lapped me.

The presence
Of wet knowledge
I wrapped it
With long eyelashes.

Like a zipper
Our destinies
Connect themself, humming,
To a mutual gift.

Hold me!
Hold to the middle of it!
Do not stop me!

Cold waters hit
On sweet shores.
We are salt and sugar,
Sailing sensuous ships.

Eating the last ration
On bloodless lips
Velvet moments dry.
The kiss that sinks us.

Wedged wrecks,
Which the divers will call
A role model for posterity.

Un golpe de ojo demasiado tarde
me di cuenta
Cómo me perdí
En el océano de tu apariencia.

Demasiado tarde, empapado,
Dar la espalda
De la tormenta de la felicidad
Eso me lamió.

La presencia
De conocimiento mojado
Lo envolví
Con pestañas largas.

Como una cremallera
Nuestros destinos
Conéctese a sí mismo, tarareando,
Para un regalo mutuo.

Mantenga a la mitad de eso!
¡No me detengas!

Golpe de aguas frías
En orillas dulces.
Somos sal y azúcar,
Navegando barcos sensuales.

Comiendo la última ración
En labios sin sangre
Velvet momentos secos.
El beso que nos hunde

Naufragios enclavados,
Que los buzos llamarán
Un modelo a seguir para la posteridad.

Dears, I know the translations are not perfect, but I hope you can get an impression about my thoughts. It’s funny how translations change meanings in a way. Let me know every question.

Two German Poems: Muttertag

Die Mütter von heute sind nicht das, was sie mal waren. Die Mütter von damals sind die Großmütter von heute. Die Töchter von damals sind heute Mütter. Die Töchter von heute sind, wie sie sind.

Wir alle sind großartig, miteinander. Wir alle sind, so wie wir sind. Das mag profan sein, wenn es stimmt: Nicht alle werden Mütter sein, doch alle waren sie Kind.

Komm’, wir gehen eins heben!


Wie fett ist das denn? Am Buttertag bade ich mich in Öl. Da sättige ich meine Säuren und schmiere mir das Getriebe.

Buttertag ist ungesund, das Volksgericht in Pommerland. Wir schlagen die Sahne und rühren den Schmand locker aus der rechten Hand.

Die Butter in dir. Butter ist politisch. Butter, läuft bei dir.


German Poem: “Der Ausstieg”

wir fuhren mit dem bus
wir stiegen aus
am stiegenhaus,
du gabst mir einen kuss.

wir kletterten am berg
wir lagen am feuer,
am kamm, lagerfeuer,
es war unser herd.

der wind fährt
unter die haut,

wir schauten gern
uns in die augen,
uns in die augen
schaute der stern.

wir flogen davon,
wir waren zu leicht,
wie wir waren, vielleicht
kommt das davon,

es bleibt
nur ein hauch
von liebe.

Poem: Not Allowed

I should have never bought this pair of tights, so you wouldn’t have ripped and messed them and my hair.

I should have never answered your calls filled with your needs for cold coffee, which consumed my time.

I would not have talked about my past, if you haven’t had asked your childish questions about my origin.

Why have I sat on you playing that game of boiling emotions and eggs in the morning three times and again?

I hereby pronounce: You are not allowed to think of me anymore. Clean your dirty mind of mine quickly.


Poem: I Hate Freedom (i)

img_2321Gosh, how I hate freedom…

Freedom of choice,
take this or that
be thin, be fat…

Freedom of work,
do or do not
spend time with stuff…

Freedom of love,
share your emotions
out of an bottomless bag…

Freedom of mind,
Struggle of life
or easyness of returning…

Gosh, how I hate freedom
and the feeling
of regretting
nothing. (i)

Four Poetry Pieces Written These Days

Weekend Clouds.

Slowly the clouds
Travel down your body
I reflect myself in
Your sweet bellybutton.

Tie a knot
In my soul as a reminder
To return to life
After satisfying you.

Weekend clouds –
They smooch.
We observe and replay,
Silently condensing.

Emotional underwater

Ruins of a fortress
Dressed in green.
Algaes screaming
For a rotten poem.

Dressed in waves
Dolphins shout out
Hearable sounds
In every direction.

Can’t you be quiet
Like water in the eye
Of the storm?

In a ocean of kisses we sunk in each other’s past. These wounds of yesterday melted from our bodies like icecream we were collecting with our mouthes. We are cruel suns. Let us be dirty angels and praise Dionysos with our touches. May others judge our easyness. Let us drink the bitter vine of sorrow with a smile they call maniac. Let us await the day without pains as weird entities, still alive like a cat someone follows silently.

looking for something

looking for something
first level
burns daily
struggle and
of work.

looking for us
it’s healthy
to be egoist
and loose
in tears
of joy.

looking for love
we are
searching for
a mountain peak’s
blue flower
to guide us
to death.

looking for sense
through doors
of perception
of the nibelungs
red dragon
a fire.

Axeman 32

Take a number. Get in line. Please stay behind the person in front of you. It may get cold. The sun will answer your inquiries. But one after one. Don’t leave line. Or you have to go back to end. These trees just watch for your safety. Don’t eat, don’t drink, don’t shit in ways and always keep your nose clean. We hope you have time. Don’t howl to moon, it won’t help. Follow instructions or a membrane could tear. Concrete, stay closely, Grasshoppers, to me instantly!

Long I thought about what to do. Something had to happen. The trees were grinning at me. I could hear their stony roots calling. Be water, my friend, give light, my love. Creepy. They had a wide network. I took my axe. This one was a strange tree.

Sometimes I doubted. Had I decided on wrong profession? I still loved to be outside. Concrete jungle had always opened my hanging mind. Perhaps that’s why some entities suffered while I hit those victims. I draw a parallel to my own life: My eyes are their executioners, but somewhen their long faces will be mines.